The book by the publicist Jakub Malovaný, entitled Velvet in the Theatre, a detailed map of the events of November 1989 in Zlín, has been published again after five years in an expanded version.
On this occasion, the Thomas Bata Foundation prepared not only a book launching ceremony, but also a discussion with distinguished guests - actors of the revolutionary days. The event will take place on 15 November at 05:00 p.m. in the Bata Villa as part of the Festival of Freedom in Zlín.
GUESTS: Helena Čermáková, Jan Hrušínský, Rostislav Marek and Stanislav Devátý
MODERATOR: Jakub Malovaný
MUSIC: the band Franc Alpa – music accompaniment in a revolutionary way
ENTRANCE FEE: voluntary
You can make a reservation via sekretariat@batova-vila.cz.
The story is compiled from interviews with selected survivors, dissidents and especially theatre artists, also members of the strike committee and the Civic Forum. There is a number of authentic documents and contemporary materials, an extensive photo gallery and a separate chapter reflecting the changes in the dramaturgy of the Workers' Theatre at the time. The expanded version of "Velvet" also includes a fresh look at other imaginary symbols without which Zlín would not be the city as we know it, namely the social importance of the Bata company or the equally inspiring story of the famous travellers Hanzelka and Zikmund.