The Thomas Bata Foundation in cooperation with the H+Z Club, which looks after the legacy of the legendary travellers Hanzelka and Zikmund, has prepared further Club Evenings bringing interesting and unusual topics in small-group talks and lectures. Two such evenings will take place in the spring, in April and May.
15 April 2025 | 17:00
“Ploština. A place with memory (and no memory)”
At the very end of the war, in April 1945, the small settlement of Ploština became the target of a repressive Nazi action. The lecture by historian Ondřej Machálek will present not only the key moments of the tragic day, at the end of which 28 people were left murdered, but also the post-war fate of the place and the course of the general reconstruction of the memorial in 2020-2023.
7 May 2025 | 17:00
“Canadian Tree Rings”
Petr Skřivánek's lecture about the global meeting of tramps in Canada in the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia on the Bush River, attended by more than 300 "mates" from all over the world.
The seating capacity in the Bata Villa is limited, so it is necessary to buy tickets in time, directly on the website www.nadacetomasebati.cz. The ticket price is CZK 50.