Tomas Bata Foundation offers lectures for pupils and students. We hold lectures both on the premises of Bata Villa and also directly in schools. The lectures have a philosophical overlap with the legacy of Bata, which should inspire pupils and students to activity and self-development. The content of the lectures is adapted to the age of the participants.
You can choose from three different topics. If the pupils or students meet the Bata legacy for the first time, we recommend starting with the 1st topic. It is necessary to book the lecture by prior arrangement at the email, they are free for students and pupils. The length of the lecture is 60 minutes.
An inspiring lecture about the life story of Tomas Bata, the founder, which focuses on his personal development and the key situations that changed and shaped him. The lecture describes the essence of his transformation from an entrepreneur to a leader and points to his connection with the company and colleagues.
The participants shall learn basic information about the creation of the Bata company and the transformation of Tomas Bata’s personality – from a manager to a leader. They shall also learn the principles and ideas that Tomas Bata learned at the beginning of his business and on which his business philosophy and approach to life were further built.
The lecture opens the topic of Bata service, namely what it means to serve yourself and how to be useful to yourself and those around you through service. It answers the questions about how Bata used common sense when creating his own business system, or how to start with responsibility, trust and transparency in his own work and self-perception.
The Bata service is based on the principle: "You cannot give what you do not have!". The participant will learn how to use the individual elements of the Bata service in his own life and how to build a relationship with oneself.
Tomas Bata perceived education as a prerequisite for inner freedom. The essence of education at Bata company was the general development of each person's personality. Cross-cutting topics were psychology and communication, because the respected principle was that for the effective functioning of the company, it is necessary for people to come to an agreement, and to be able to come to an agreement, they must first understand each other. Bata's schools of labour were a special type of school, students learn about their functioning.