

  • CZ



Does the Bata philosophy and management system resonate with you? Would you like to learn more and bring these ideas to your colleagues? There are several opportunities for you! We offer lectures and workshops on various Bata topics, which will give you an insight into how to apply these principles today.

What do we offer?

A lecture on a topic of your choice. The length of the lecture is 1.5 hours without a break, or 2 hours with a break.

How to choose a suitable topic?

If you are encountering the Bata topic for the first time through our lecture, we recommend you to choose the first or second topic. If you choose a specific area from the Bata philosophy and management system, it is advisable to include a general introduction about the personality of Tomáš Baťa and his philosophy of service at the beginning of this lecture. Understanding the Bata principle of service is a prerequisite for a deeper understanding of the unified parts of the Bata Management System. If you are not sure about the choice of topic, please contact us and we will select the most suitable solution for you during a short telephone consultation.

Where will the lecture take place?

The lectures can be held anywhere, according to the customer's wishes. We will be happy to travel to you, as well as welcome you in the Bata Villa, where we can comfortably seat up to 60 people in theatre seating. If you want to take notes during the lecture, seating at tables is suitable, in which case we offer a capacity of 30 people.

Who are the lectures suitable for?

The lectures are enriching for complete beginners as well as for advanced connoisseurs of the Bata legacy. It always depends on prior consultation, which we recommend. During the lecture, the listener will learn a lot of interesting information and will receive guidance on how to apply this knowledge in practice. If you are interested in trying out the individual tools immediately, it is advisable to attend one of our workshops.

What is the price of the lecture?

The basic price of the lecture is CZK 25,000.00 excluding VAT. If the lecture is held outside Zlín, travel expenses will be added to the price.

How to book a lecture?

Please do not hesitate to contact Martina Jadrníčková, the Foundation's assistant, via email sekretariat@batovavila.cz. She will help you choose a topic and a suitable date.



Gabriela Končitíková

She has been lecturing on Bata topics for more than ten years and will currently introduce you to specific topics. She has extensive experience in applying Bata principles to contemporary companies. On the basis of a consultation, she will prepare a lecture or workshop tailored to your needs.


Jakub Malovaný

He specializes in the personality of Tomáš Baťa, his personal development and transformation. He can introduce you to the topic of Bata service and corporate culture. Through engaging interpretation, it enables you to identify with the basic Bata principles and ideas of Tomáš Baťa so as to arouse your interest in personal growth according to Bata values.


Klára Branická

She lectures on “how to use Bata principles in the lives of millennials and Generation Z“. She created her own system according to the Bata philosophy, which she transformed for the needs of today. She will also introduce you to the ideas of Tomáš Baťa that resonate across generations. It will show you practical tips on how to use elements of the Bata philosophy with ease on a daily basis..


Pavel Velev

On the basis of twenty-five years of experience gained in the management of the Thomas Bata Foundation and close cooperation with Thomas Bata Jr., he lectures on the topics of the Bata Management System and Inspiring Transformation of Tomáš Baťa. He used the Bata Management System in practice while running the International School of Modern Shoemaking.

Lecture Topics
