

  • CZ


Leadership according to the Bata philosophy

“Finding the right direction between caution and courage is the greatest art.”

Tomáš Baťa

The topic of leadership is one of the strongest within the Bata Management System - after understanding the philosophy and setting up the processes, it is essential, especially in order to be a sustainable and ever-evolving approach.

The lecture dedicated to this topic introduces the main pillar of Bata corporate culture, which is leadership. The whole company is based on good leadership. Tomáš Baťa was of the opinion that no paper, decree, regulation or order can permanently change people's behaviour. Only the personal example of a person who has accepted responsibility for the influence he has on his surroundings can do that. As Baťa himself said, “The best leadership is that which other people do not even feel.”

The aim of Bata leadership was to enthuse individuals to the idea that they can only achieve their best performance when they themselves are at their best. It was about putting the essence of the idea of “build yourself first, then the business” into practice, while drawing attention to the fact that it is not about satisfying the ego of the individual, but about getting the right solution for the whole.

What will the audience learn?

Use in practice:

Lecturer: Gabriela Končitíková
