* recorded in the personal card:
Tomas Bata half-brother joined the factory in Zlín as a fourteen-year-old and a year later gained experience in Germany. In 1920, he ran a branch factory of the Bata company in Lynn, USA, but the business soon ended in failure. After returning to Zlín, he worked in various businesses and in 1925 travelled to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay with several colleagues. He worked as the head of the purchasing department (1926) and then belonged to a group of 17 managers who formed the wider management of the company (1929). After the death of Tomas Bata in 1932, he became the head of the company and, together with Dominik Čipera and Hugo Vavrečka, belonged to its three-member management. He focused on the promotion and representation of Bata concern, also by his journey around the world by plane, ship and train in 1937. In June 1939 he emigrated to the USA, which he had to leave in January 1941 and then settled permanently in Brazil. He ran his industrial enterprise there in the new settlement of Batatuba, devoted himself to agrarian colonization and founded three other places - Mariapolis, Bataguassu, Bataypora. He died on August 23, 1965 in Sao Paulo.
From Tomas Bata letter to America to Jan A. Bata (May 1920):
Dear Jan! ... This year is a struggle for existence and there is no room for fantasy. ... Make maybe 100 pairs a day, but learn to think commercially. ... I don't want to talk about whether you should make turns or McKay. ... But I think that you have a piece of my father's nature in you, who sold coal for one month and immediately gave it up, as he found out in practice how dirty the business was and that he got dusty and earned nothing. ... He began to dream of a new store, with oranges - and he couldn't even have a look at the coal. It is easier to make plans than to do business.
Jan Antonín Bata