

  • CZ


Get to Know Bata

Educational programme for elementary school pupils

The objective of the Get to Know Bata project is to create an educational programme for elementary school pupils aged 8-12 (3rd-6th grade), which will introduce them to the story of Tomáš Bata and his philosophy in an experiential way. This philosophy is based on self-knowledge on several levels.

Through an engaging presentation and educational worksheets, pupils will learn what Bata's "build yourself first" means, as well as how to use the individual Bata principles in their own lives - e.g. understanding Bata's service, what it means to be a good person, taking an active interest in what is happening around us and not being afraid to speak up when we disagree, not being shy to offer a helping hand, etc. On the basis of the life story of Tomáš Baťa, the children will learn about the basic values that shape human society.

The programme is divided into two or three sessions so that between each seminar the pupils can work on specific tasks that will help them understand the Bata philosophy in everyday life. Example. Create with your parents your family's ten commandments, in which you express the way you wish to talk to each other at home. Individual exercises are designed to help children get to know themselves and become actively involved in the life around them.

The length of one session is 2x 45 minutes - two class periods. Pupils will attend a total of 4 sessions over a period of 4 months. During the first session, pupils will learn about the story of Tomáš Baťa and the basic knowledge that shaped his personality. The second session is devoted to the topic of Bata's service, where the pupils learn how essential it is to have a relationship with their own body, what influences their mind, and how self-worth plays an important role in their lives. Through practical exercises they will begin to know themselves more. The third session focuses on "how it is possible to influence the world in which children live", for example, how much can be changed by the fact that they can speak up, stand up for someone or just smile. The outcome of the third session will also be the creation of their personal ten commandments - ten reasons why they are great. They should read this ten commandments whenever they doubt themselves (the ten commandments was a basic communication tool of the Bata company). The fourth session will take place in Bata Villa and the pupils will evaluate their methods.

The Thomas Bata Foundation has a team of two internal and three external lecturers who conduct each seminar according to a pre-prepared presentation and educational sheets adapted to the child audience. Each part introduces pupils to specific topics from the Bata philosophy, the whole concept is grasped in such a way that pupils take away from each part a concrete guide on how to use the individual knowledge in their lives. The lecturer's explanation is accompanied by a thematic presentation which will be projected on a screen. The presentation is accompanied by educational sheets in which the pupils write down the information they have learned and plan how they will use it in practice.
