

  • CZ


Educational tours

The Tomas Bata Foundation offers special tours for kindergarten, primary and secondary school pupils. Including of course the lectures for university students. The content of the educational tours is adapted to the type of school and the age of the visitors, who have the opportunity to learn about the inspiring story of Tomas Bata directly in the villa where he lived. At the same time, they have the opportunity to get to know the original architecture and interior of the house.

The duration of the tour is 45 minutes, tours for pupils and students are provided by the foundation free of charge. This educational activity for students and pupils is the fulfilment of Tomas Bata Foundation mission.

Educational sheets have also been created for pupils of the first grade of elementary schools, through which it is possible to become more familiar with the architectural style of Bata Villa. These sheets were created in cooperation with the Zlín Architectural Manual, their author is Lucie Šmardová. During this type of tour, the guide is also an educator who helps students work with education sheets.

If you are interested in this tour, you must book an appointment in advance. You can do so by email sekretariat@batovavila.cz.
