* recorded in the personal card:
For the future Tomas Bata hospital, he needed an expert - doctor. In the advertisement, he announced that "he is looking for a young, energetic doctor with the best surgical, gynaecological and radiological knowledge, who is also able to build a modern company hospital with all the modern conveniences". Dr. Bohuslav Albert applied and it soon became clear that he was the man in the right place. Together with the architect Gahura, he participated in the creation of the project for the new hospital, which started operating at the end of 1927. Two years later, Bata sent Albert to a medical congress in Atlantic City to gain new knowledge and experience in America. Dr. Albert fulfilled Bata‘s demanding requirements in a short time to a great extent - as the director of the Zlín hospital, he built it into a modern, comprehensively equipped workplace with a number of doctors who have become well-known specialists in their fields: F. Račanský, V. Tolar, V. Král, J. Černošek, F. Bartoš, J. Salaquardová, J. Roubal and others. The most interesting is the article by Dr. Albert "What will Bata hospital look like in 10 years": in 10 years, 20 doctors led by 4 senior doctors - primary care doctors, and about 60-70 nurses will work in the hospital. Because we want to help everyone in their efforts to maintain the greatest wealth – meaning our health, that is why we are building the hospital as a scientific institute not only for treatment, but also for social health. We are not only establishing a department for the treatment of diseases and organizing the transport of the sick, but we are also building laboratories, departments for researching diseases, consulting rooms, and we are trying to spread health education.
Bohuslav Albert, 1941 (SOkA Zlín, o. č. 2573, p. č. 1)