

  • CZ



“How many chances a rose has?” | 26 October 2022

The first Evening Tea was held on 26 October when we could have listened to the music of Leoš Janáček and the poetry of Jan Skácel, whose 100th birth anniversary we commemorate this year. As part of the programme called “How many chances a rose has?” a renowned music teacher and great musician Vendula Urbanová, who works mostly in France, played the piano; the evening was moderated by Gustav Řezníček, a long-serving actor of the Zlín Municipal Theatre.

„Velvet in the theatre“ | 16 November 2022

On Wednesday 16 November, on the eve of the national holiday, a special discussion entitled „Velvet in the theatre“, during which the course of the Velvet Revolution in the then Gottwaldov was recalled. The main Zlín faces of the crucial moments of our modern history - actors Ivan Kalina and Rostislav Marek - shared their stories. The evening was hosted by Gabriela Končitíková, and also present were Patrik Lančarič, artistic director of the Zlín Municipal Theatre, and Jakub Malovaný, a publicist who, together with these personalities, wrote the book Velvet in the Theatre, detailing the events of November 1989 in Gottwaldov.

“Songs that accompany me...” | 16 December 2022

The last Evening Tea in this calendar year was served on Friday 16 December. In the season of Advent, the Bata Villa was welcome the actor and musician Tomáš David with his recital “Songs that accompany me...”. This member of the theatrical troupe of the National Theatre Brno, who has been nominated for the Thalia Awards this year, will present not only his own production, but also songs which, as he himself says, stuck to his heels and became his companions due to many reasons, which we will certainly here about during the evening. You can be looking forward to a varied selection of pieces – from American folk songs through soul songs to hits by Eric Clapton.
